PSPA’s corporate members are eleven major shoreside and mothership seafood processing companies with operations based in Alaska and Washington. They purchase, process, and market hundreds of millions of pounds of seafood from just about every commercial fishery and gear type in Alaska, including wild Alaska salmon, Alaska pollock, Pacific cod, crab, halibut, and rockfish, among others.
Our member companies buy fish from harvesters and get it to market, placing them at the center of the seafood supply chain, so millions of people worldwide can enjoy wild Alaska seafood. PSPA member companies have made significant investments in the future of Alaska seafood, spending hundreds of millions of dollars in facilities, processing technology, value-added product development, and marketing.
Our members have also made large capital investments in the communities in which they operate. In addition to thousands of direct and indirect jobs, our member companies create markets for thousands of independent commercial fishermen and contribute millions in tax revenue to state and local economies in Alaska and the Pacific Northwest.
PSPA member companies are deeply committed to the sound management and long-term health of fishery resources and the marine environment. They are committed to providing good jobs and a safe, rewarding work environment to their employees, economic benefits to the region, and high quality, healthy, wild seafood products to consumers worldwide.


Alyeska Seafoods, Inc.
Alyeska Seafoods owns and operates a processing plant located in Dutch Harbor, Alaska and processes Alaska pollock, Pacific cod, and king and snow crab.
Golden Alaska owns and operates a processing vessel that purchases fish from catcher vessels in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands. Based in Seattle, all of Golden Alaska’s owners are fishermen or processors. The M/V Golden Alaska produces fillet blocks, H&G, mince, surimi, pollock roe and fishmeal, frozen at sea and off-loads in Dutch Harbor, Alaska, or Seattle, Washington.
Kanaway Seafoods, Inc.
Alaska General Seafoods, Inc. - Alaska General Seafoods owns and operates two processing plants in Alaska: one in Naknek and the other in Ketchikan. AGS purchases Alaska sockeye, pink, and chum salmon to create canned, fresh and frozen, and high-quality roe products.
E&E Foods – E&E Foods operates 3 shore based plants in Alaska along with a floating processor (Cape Greig) and 2 value added facilities in the Seattle area. The Alaska sites in Egegik (Coffee Point Seafoods), Kenai (Pacific Star Seafoods) and Yakutat (Yakutat Seafoods) are primarily salmon facilities while the Seattle plants process a wide variety of seafood from all over the Pacific coast, including products destined for their own Cannon Fish brand.
Leader Creek Fisheries – Leader Creek Fisheries operates a salmon processing plant in Naknek that primarily produces high quality, once frozen sockeye salmon fillets from bled at sea fish. Along with the fillets, Leader Creek Fisheries produces premium headed and gutted frozen salmon.
North Pacific Seafoods – North Pacific Seafoods operates 5 seafood processing plants in Alaska. Along with 3 seasonal salmon sites (2 in Naknek and 1 in Togiak), NPSI also have year round plants in Sitka and Kodiak where they process a wide variety of seafood species including cod, crab, pollock, salmon, herring and halibut. NPSI are also part owners of the fish meal plant in Kodiak that ensures full utilization of their seafood by-products.

Phoenix Processor Limited Partnership, in business since 1988, owns and operates two processing vessels in the Bering Sea and U.S. west coast. The majority of the company is owned by fishermen. The company's ships M/V Excellence and M/V Phoenix purchase and process Pacific whiting (hake) and Alaska pollock at sea and produce surimi, fillet block, mince, pollock roe, fish meal, and fish oil product.
Silver Bay Seafoods is a primarily fishermen-owned seafood processing company operating 6 high-capacity facilities in Alaska located in Sitka, Craig, Valdez, Kodiak, False Pass, and Naknek. We process salmon, herring, pollock, pacific cod, halibut, sablefish, and rockfish. We produce fresh, frozen, and shelf-stable healthy, sustainable Alaska seafood products.
Trident Seafoods operates shore-based processing facilities in 10 Alaskan coastal communities, including Akutan, Cordova, False Pass, Ketchikan, Kodiak, Naknek, Petersburg, St. Paul, Sand Point, and Wrangell. In addition, Trident has two floating processors used to support seasonal peak salmon and groundfish processing needs throughout the year. Trident is a family owned company that serves hundreds of independent catcher vessels in nearly all major commercial fisheries off Alaska, including Alaska salmon, pollock, and crab.
UniSea owns and operates a processing plant in Dutch Harbor, Alaska. They have been processing Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands seafood since 1974, including Alaska pollock, Pacific cod, crab, black cod, halibut, and other species.
Westward Seafoods owns and operates a processing plant in Dutch Harbor, Alaska and processes Alaska pollock, Pacific cod, sablefish, fish collagen, crab, and halibut.