#1 industry
in Alaska for highest
direct employment
secondary jobs created from the seafood industry in Alaska
$162 million
annual Alaska resident
seafood processing wages
The abundant resources of Alaska's pristine waters generate benefits for rural, coastal communities. Commercial fisheries employ thousands of Alaskans across the state, directly employing 30,176 Alaska residents in 2019. Communities with a diversity of fisheries and processors that operate nearly year-round have the most stability and the highest resident employment rates.
The seafood industry invests in Alaska, its communities, and its workforce, beyond direct seafood jobs. In 2016, inshore processors in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands alone spent $220 million in Alaska on shipping, fuel, construction, air transport, public services, and other goods.
The seafood industry is a critical source of tax revenue to support local governments through city and borough fish taxes, a share of state fish taxes, property taxes, and sales taxes. This reduces community dependence on state general funds. As a measure of importance, state fish tax revenue is approximately 80% of the revenue-sharing amount that the state appropriates to local governments throughout Alaska.

Processors are part of the local communities in which they operate. Processors donate to local charities, schools, health clinics, scholarships, and senior programs, as well as actively participate in local organizations and boards. PSPA also supports several non-profits doing great work all over Alaska and the Puget Sound area.
Bean’s Café’s mission is to feed the hungry and the homeless without discrimination. PSPA is the primary sponsor of Toast to the Coast, an annual event to fight local hunger in Anchorage.
SeaShare's mission is to engage the seafood industry in a collective effort to improve nutrition for the people served by food banks and feeding centers.
Glory Hall's mission is to provide food, shelter, and compassion to those in need.
The ASLC generates and shares scientific knowledge to promote understanding and stewardship of Alaska's marine ecosystems.